August Rush?

August Rush?

I like to call it the "August Rush" (I am really sure it's a name of a movie too) because it’s that pivotal time, just a few months before Halloween and Christmas, when the pressure really kicks in for small business owners. While large corporations might start planning for the holiday season a year or more in advance, independent designers, crafters, and makers often don’t have that luxury. For many of us, August marks the start of our preparations—assuming everything is on track. It’s a busy month filled with a flurry of activity as we race to get everything ready for Halloween and Christmas.

For us small business owners, it means long days and nights spent behind the scenes, pouring our creativity into every detail. We’re designing, crafting, sketching, photographing, and doing whatever it takes to bring you the perfect autumn and winter essentials.


This year, continue to show your love for small businesses. Your support—whether it’s a like, a share, a thoughtful comment on social media, or a purchase—helps make someone’s dream a reality.


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